Estate Planning Beyond the Will

Taylor Law Group 20780 Willoughby Town Centre Drive #210, Langley, BC V2Y 0M7

You’re invited to an informative seminar to learn about the important financial information not available at the banks – And how it will significantly affect you and your loved ones!

We will show you a unique investment vehicle that can help grow and protect your savings from current and future market uncertainty. Our special guest Joanna Haban will also be sharing her expertise on how a properly set up will can preserve your assets, minimize taxes and maximize wealth.

Discover how both Guaranteed Investment Funds and a properly set up will a can offer many levels of security and protection and when it comes to passing on your wealth, GIFs are powerful estate planning tool. Find out how GIFs offer distinct advantages over traditional investments, including Principal Protection, Creditor Protection and Avoiding Probate Fees. 

Location: Taylor Law Group 20780 Willoughby Town Centre Drive #210, Langley, BC V2Y 0M7

6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Estate Planning Beyond the Will Paul Ho

7:00 pm – 8:00 pm Wills and Estate Planning Joanna Haban

RSVP:  Charissa Keech at or 604-880-8282